Featuring Phil Schmidbauer of ODW Logistics
Before you jump in and start your own business, do you conduct a network study first?
Justin sits down with Phil Schmidbauer of ODW Logistics to discuss the importance of warehouse and transportation optimization studies. Phil shares the importance of doing a network study or analysis to a business, especially if you’re in the production industry. Phil also shares how he handles consultation: It’s not about the network and charging sky-high fees, but it’s more of the quality and how his clients can benefit more and get their money’s worth.
Listen to the Podcast:
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/industrial-insights/id1552731790
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0z4o0MwttGnRr2hQzGLw9z
- A little background: Who is Phil Schmidbauer and what’s his role in his company? - 0:20
- What is ODW? - 2:10
- Fundamentals of a network. - 4:03
- Why is it important for a business to get a network study or analysis? - 6:28
- Writing an article about network analysis. - 10:46
- How does he decide on who he wants to work with? - 12:55
- What he’s generally looking for from people? - 19:47
- There is inefficiency in more complex networks: The more nodes you have, the more inefficient you are. - 24:23
- Transportation costs will almost always cost higher than warehouse costs. Focus on how you can optimize your transportation costs first. - 30:30
- Connect with Phil Schmidbauer
- https://www.odwlogistics.com/
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/philip-schmidbauer-b4020516
- Connect with Justin Smith
- https://smithcre.com/
- https://www.lee-associates.com/
- jbsmith@leeirvine.com
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/justinbsmith